Supplementing with Gelatin Can Help Tighten Your Skin

Want to tighten the skin on your face without surgery, without super tape and without weird exercises?
Although all that stuff works, it’s a lot of work and no fun! And if you or someone you know has ever been caught doing the funny facial exercises or re-tightening the tape behind the ears to keep the loose skin taught, well, it could be a little embarrassing.
For tighter skin, your best bet is to use skin tightening supplements. And that would be gelatin supplementation. Adding gelatin to your diet. Because consuming gelatin for skin tightening works.
Did you know gelatin is collagen protein in it's purest form? Besides making your skin beautiful and radiant, using gelatin for skin tightening is a science backed strategy that works. And I have the pictures to prove it.
Lets start off with what causes skin to lose its tautness and and sag. When I say tautness, I am referring to elasticity.
1. When we are young, our skin is plump with collagen, smooth and taut.
2. Over time, our bodies slow down it’s production of collagen and we lose more of it than we can make.
3. Sunlight, processed food, alcohol, stress and simply growing older depletes the collagen in the tissues, bones and ligaments beneath the skin.
4. Loss of collagen in the skin, the bones, and ligaments produces droopiness and eventually a loss of elasticity. And this means loose saggy skin.
5. What happens next is we start to find the loose skin starting to sag, especially around the face.
6. Add to that any rapid weight loss can remove fat quickly causing the skin to appear to sag in the face too.
It is important you tackle these underlying causes of loose skin. The good news is that using gelatin as a supplement is proven to work to increase skin elasticity and tighten your skin.
"In an independent study conducted at Stanford University in California, findings reported that daily gelatin supplementation, only 250 milligrams, increased skin elasticity. Which in turn, helps to tighten your skin." [1].
What is gelatin?
Gelatin is pure protein derived from real collagen (which is where gelatin comes from).
Because collagen on its own is a very large molecule and is difficult to digest, gelatin — a smaller, broken down form of collagen, is the perfect choice.
Gelatin, like all proteins, is made up of a very specific combination of amino acids.
Amino acids are absolutely necessary for your body to function.
And each amino acid has a targeted job to do in the body.
Gelatin contains an overabundance of the required amino acids to make more collagen and elastin in your body including, skin as well as your bones muscles joints, tendons and more.
So, how can taking gelatin, skin tightening supplements, tighten my skin?
In contrast to vegetable based protein sources like soy, pea, hemp, rice and so forth, gelatin contains the necessary amino acids, in a high enough concentration, to make more collagen and elastin in the body.
Because the amino acid combination in gelatin is similar to that our own bodies use to replenish collagen and elastin.
By increasing collagen, you get more plump from within, adding volume and firmness to your skin. With more collagen you are strengthening (adding volume) the bones and supporting the joints, tendons and ligaments that hold up the skin on your face and body. This will help with the appearance of skin sagging and improve the appearance of skin tightening.
As for elastin, you get your bounce back baby! A study has show that gelatin supplementation can improve the elasticity of skin. This will make the skin draw in, look tighter and appear more youthful.
• Adding gelatin to your diet can be very helpful as a weight management aid, helping you to maintain your weight and or gently and steadily lose weight to avoid the sagging, sunken face effect that rapid dieting can bring on.
It makes sense now, doesn't it? Ingesting gelatin can help tighten your skin and keep it looking firm and youthful.
How to get the best gelatin supplementation?
A challenge with gelatin is how best to get gelatin as a supplement. Know this, not all gelatins are created equal. Look for non-GMO, hormone free gelatin that can be traced back to its source. Pasture raised and grass fed is another priority when searching for top grade gelatin.
Because gelatin is odorless and tasteless, gelatin needs to be combined with tasty and nutritious complementary ingredients to be usable on a daily basis.
If you are wondering how much gelatin per day for skin? Before and after studies have shown that around 8 grams per day is enough for you to SEE visible results, an increase in skin tightening and skin elasticity, on the skin of your face.
Check out the tighter skin and the reduction of facial lines in the before and after picture below. This gal consumed 2 servings of 11 grams of gelatin per day for 7 days.
She used a product called Triple K, a high protein dietary supplement containing collagen protein which is derived from kosher, NonGMO gelatin. You can drink it, you can add it to food and eat it.
To learn more about Triple K, click here
There are other sources of gelatin available in the market place including health food stores and certain grocery stores. Ask your grocery store manager if the gelatin they carry is Non-GMO, hormone free, grass feed, pasture raised, and traceable back to the source. Why? Like I said before, there are different qualities and grades of gelatin. You want to make sure you are getting a very clean source.
The bottom line is: gelatin is one of the natural ways for skin tightening. With continued use, you may start to notice a positive improvement in the quality and appearance of your skin including softer, smoother and plumper. And along with skin tightening comes less sagging and more firming especially around the cheek, jowl and eye area.
I will leave you with additional skin tightening before and after pictures to inspire you. To see more pictures, you can access the pictures on my website here.
Till Next time,
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