How to Get Rid of Loose Skin on Legs: 7 Surefire Techniques That Work

Updated September 3, 2022
If you are over 50, heck, over 40, you may find your skin is loosening. I know mine has. I am 62, and I have been dedicated to finding ways to tighten the loose skin on my legs for years.
How does loose skin happen, you ask? Lots of sunburns, extreme weight gain and weight loss plus poor diet choices including not getting enough protein have been my number one culprits.
For most of us, this loose skin naturally occurs over time, starting around 40 or 50 years old, and may be more or less significant because of genetics. Your skin relies on Collagen and Elastin to stay firm and youthful, which are reduced in your skin as you grow older.
For this reason, I know that this guide, How to Get rid of Loose Skin on Legs, 7 Surefire Techniques That Work, will soon be your new best friend.
Below I will reveal the best approaches (non surgical and surgical) to leave you with smoother, tighter skin on your legs. I believe you will enjoy this article so much so that you will be looking forward to getting into your shorts and bathing suit again.
What causes loose skin on legs?
Aging and genetics are not the only factors causing loose skin on your legs. I am a firm believer that lifestyle plays a huge role.
If you have had significant sun damage, been a smoker, or made poor dietary choices for much of your life, you may notice your skin is looser than others. Dare I say the word "saggy" as well?
Additionally, weight gain and weight loss plays a huge role in loosening skin. Meaning, leaving you with a little present: a "saggy skin" reminder of your weight loss journey every day of your life.
Especially in individuals who have rapidly lost weight. Your skin is an incredibly elastic organ, when you gain weight more cells are created to accommodate for this growth.
However, when you lose weight, it is much more difficult for your skin to shrink to accommodate your weight loss, according to Dr. Thomas Sterry, plastic surgeon.
Losing weight requires incredible patience and self-discipline. I spent years battling the bulge and changing my mindset about food and my body images.
All of us, no matter what size should be proud of the body we live in!
Unfortunately, so many women who have lost weight or struggled with fluctuating weight find themselves feeling ashamed or embarrassed by the loose skin on their legs. If that sounds like you, you are not alone. Tens of thousands of women feel this way, including me. So, that is why I have put together this guide on How to Get Rid of Loose Skin on Legs: 7 Surefire Techniques that Work to reveal tighter firmer smoother legs.
We are going to talk about surgical leg lifts, lipo and lasers, but before we go down that route, let’s start off with one of the cornerstones of my anti-aging platform and a must do for healthy, supple skin. It is also a starting point for anyone wanting to tighten saggy skin, or, through surgery, cut away the loose skin on legs once and for all.
Let’s take a look at these ways, shall we?
1. Diet and Skin Care
I’m a firm believer that proper diet and skin care play a vital role in helping you to look and feel younger.
A balanced diet will aid in preventing fat gain and support the loss of stubborn fat found in your thighs. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is vital to the healing and toning of the skin on your thighs, according to FitDay.
Protein is your friend when it comes to overall health. Protein directly influences your weight —gaining or losing. And gaining and losing weight is a direct influencer on how your skin shows up — saggy or firm.
A steady diet of protein and other collagen boosting foods, is a great way to support tightening loose skin and they are delicious food choices you can live with for the rest of your life.
Adding high protein foods to your diet including gelatin and or supplementing with collagen protein have shown promising results in tightening up loose skin. In an independent study conducted at Stanford University, it was reported that all it took was 1/4 of a gram of gelatin daily, to show an improvement in skin elasticity. More elastin means tighter skin.
Additionally, faithfully caring for your skin can have an anti-aging effect on the loose skin on your legs. This can be accomplished by routinely using products with ingredients such as Pomegranate oil, Avocado oil, Olive oil, glycerin, Vitamin E, and Glycolic Acids which are all shown to help firm up slackened, loose skin.
Now, let’s take a look at the surgical and non-surgical approaches which are exceptional ways to remove excess skin from your thighs.
I told you we were gonna talk turkey, er, a surgery to get rid of loose skin! So, here we go!

2. Thigh Lift
If you have loose skin on your thighs or inner thighs, a thigh lift will get rid of the loose skin on legs.
Watch this video on a medial thigh lift, performed by Dr. Robert Rehnke, before you continue reading. It will give you a good close up look on what to expect.
When you want to look and feel younger, excess skin on your legs can feel embarrassing enough to keep you from wearing shorts or showing skin during the summer. One option I want to tell you about for confronting the loose skin on your legs is thigh lift surgery.
According to Dr. Don R. Revis of South Florida Plastic Surgery, this procedure removes excess skin and small amounts of fat from the thighs, which greatly improves the shape of the leg and has an anti-aging effect.
The severity of the excess skin and fat on your legs plays a big role in determining the surgeon's approach. For less severe cases of loose skin, a smaller incision is used and if the excess skin is more severe, the surgery follows suit.
Patients can choose from both inner and outer thigh lifts, according to Cosmetic Surg, and is focused on reducing sagging skin on the thighs. This procedure can be combined with lifts focused on other areas of the body such as full body lift including tummy, buttocks and thighs.
3. Liposuction
For individuals with a greater amount of fat on their thighs, a thigh lift alone typically won’t achieve the desired anti-aging results or help them look and feel younger. They may need to incorporate liposuction with their thigh lift.
Watch a liposuction surgical procedure here to know what to expect.
This is especially true for those who have achieved weight loss through diet and exercise, but have found they have areas of their body which stubbornly hold on to fat.
We all have those areas, right?
If this is the case for you, you may want to consider liposuction with your thigh lift as one of your options for how to get rid of loose skin on your legs.
Liposuction can help you look and feel young by removing excess fat from your thighs or other areas of your body.
Liposuction is accomplished using small incisions and suction and is generally safe when using an experienced surgeon, according to Jayashree Venkataram, experienced liposuction surgeon.
While variations in liposuction surgery do exist, the most widely used method is Tumescent Liposuction. This method was developed as a safer and more effective alternative for proceeding liposuction methods.
Tumescent Liposuction can be performed with local anesthesia, and has shown to significantly reduce bleeding associated with previously popular liposuction surgeries.
4. Skin Tightening Laser
When you are bothered by loose skin on your thighs, do you know that a skin tightening laser may help you to look and feel younger?
Lasers can tighten the skin on your legs by stimulating your body to produce more collagen, which is a protein that plays a huge role in your skin's ability to resist permanent changes such as stretching, says JuvaSkin a world-class laser and cosmetic surgery provider.
Laser treatments can be customized according to your specific needs and anti-aging goals. Thermage uses radio frequency to boost collagen production in the leg area. This helps to tighten saggy, loose skin.
Some skin tightening laser treatments focus on removing outer layers of skin so remaining layers can heal. Others though, target inner layers of skin.
One skin tightening laser is called Titan, which achieves in small amounts of tightening of the skin by applying energy to the layers of skin.
Another skin tightening laser, Thermage, uses radio frequency sound waves to tighten existing lax collagen and cause the skin to produce collagen.
Both of these treatments can tighten and tone skin, but the results take time and repeated treatment. Titan takes 3-4 treatments to achieve the same results of one Thermage treatment and is reported to be more painful.
Generally, laser treatments are best for individuals who are looking for minimal results and who do not have a large amount of excess skin.
5. Ulthera
Have you heard of Ulthera? It is a fairly new non-surgical option for how to get rid of loose skin on legs. Ulthera uses ultrasound and can be used on your lets and other parts of your body
Ulthera for tightening loose skin on the legs is relatively new in the United States. However, it has been used in Europe and in Asia for quite some time now.
According to Dr. Steven L Ringler, a Grand Rapids based plastic surgeon, Ultherapy is a less invasive and less expensive method for dealing with excess skin. Ultherapy stimulates collagen production through the use of ultrasound technology.
He suggests that Ultherapy may be used as one of many anti-aging strategies by patients who want to look and feel younger and can be used on the face as well.
Ulthera seems to be the best option for individuals with a smaller amount of excess skin, as it does not have the drastic results of surgery.
6. SkinTyte
SkinTyte is another non-surgical, anti-aging procedure for loose skin on the legs. This treatment propagates your bodies natural healing process, allowing you to look and feel younger.
It is conducted through the use of infra-red energy to target and heat deep soft tissues explains Sciton, a medical device company with a reputation for manufacturing reliable and quality medical devices.
This anti-aging treatment has immediate results, and patients report noticeable firmness of their skin after their first procedure. However, the best results are seen over a long-term, repeated treatments over the course of several months.
7. You can tighten loose skin with exercise.
Whether or not you consider a surgical approach to dealing with loose skin on your legs, I believe exercise should always be a part of your daily life. Exercise plays an important role in helping you to look and feel younger.
FitDay suggests regular thigh presses for individuals who are looking for a way to tighten the skin on their legs.
Okay, are you ready to do some exercises for your legs?
This exercise can be done by lying flat on your back, lifting your legs, and spreading your thighs apart. Next, you should cross your arms and place each hand on the opposite inner thigh.
Push your legs toward your palms while also drawing your thighs together for seven seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Walking regularly can also have an anti-aging effect by tightening the loose skin on your legs and results can be seen with as little as 20 minutes of walking each day.
OK, now one for the road! Or shall I say one for tighter, firmer smoother legs
Bonus Tip 8. Leg Firming Skin Creams
Lack of firmness in your legs can lead to sagging, cellulite, and loose skin. Fortunately, there are a number of leg firming anti-aging creams that can help you look and feel younger.
In fact, Amazon lists approximately 300 leg firming creams in a variety of price points, ranging from under $10 to more than $50. Look for the ones that contain caffeine and or 10% glycolic acid.
Caffeine tightens loose skin and 10% glycolic acid makes collagen which increases skin density which will help tighten the loose skin on your legs.
My favorite is called Crepey Skin Body FX Pro Strength Beauty Treatment with 10% glycolic acid and a bevy of other skin care ingredients. Although there is no caffeine in this product, the results speak volumes. See below, the crepey skin on legs pictures. FYI. the Picture? My legs...

Unretouched crepey skin photo. Results will vary.
At the end of the day, loose skin is a common problem faced by many individuals, including myself. And in particular, women over 40, or 50, when collagen and elastin production is at it's low. If you want to look and feel younger, you may find that excess fat and skin on your legs is the only thing standing in the way of feeling confident in your skin.
Follow these tips in How to Get Rid of Loose Skin on Legs: 7 Surefire Techniques That Work to reveal tighter, firmer smoother firmer legs and may they support you on your journey to a more youthful you.
As always, consult with your doctor to determine the right loose skin treatment that’s right for you.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Please post your comments below. I read each and every one and respond to all.
And if you know someone who has loose skin on their legs, please pass this article on to them as well.
Lastly, here’s to growing younger every day….
Results vary from treatment to treatment, person to person and are beyone our control. I have given you a ton of “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” in this article. I am not a doctor nor is my intention meant to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. My comments are based on my personal firsthand experience and years of research. Use your own intelligence, intuition and investigative skills for yourself and do what is in your best interest: mind, body and spirit.
And always check with your doctor.
Through exercise, proper nutrition, rest and a healthy mindset, may we all start looking and feeling 10 pounds lighter and 10 years younger.
Stay tuned for more amazing skin anti-aging miracles God has given us to eat, drink and bathe with in my future articles!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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