5 Cellulite Creams That Work

Cellulite. You really are just a nothing burger. Yet somehow you have jiggled your way into the bodies (and thoughts) of most of the women in the world today. We focus on you, we lament about you, we share stories about you.
Enough already! Cellulite be gone! You are not welcome anymore!
Which is why I took action and went on a quest to find cellulite creams that actually do work. Fortunately, in this case – taking action meant getting the opportunity to slather my skin with these gorgeous, rich cellulite creams and report on the results. I’m taking one for the team, ladies!
So, I started off with about 25 of the best cellulite creams to choose from and then whittled the field down to 5.
How did I choose the original 25?
Obviously, I looked at what both the industry and the consumer consider to be the best of the best in cellulite creams based on ingredients, price and of course reported results.
I looked at natural cellulite creams, meaning cellulite creams formulated with natural and organic herbs, roots and oils to help get rid of cellulite on the body. I went back to some of my old-time favorites, the ones I turned to when I experienced a bad bout of cellulite.
And finally, I looked at caffeine cellulite creams as caffeine is considered one of THE key ingredients in creams that work for cellulite. Or shall I say, anti-cellulite creams. PLEASE NOTE: I had to do a bunch of digging to find out if all the hype of caffeine in cellulite creams was worthy of the shout out. Better yet, worthy of YOUR time and money in the first place. The good news is the hype on caffeine is worthy! And the truth will blow your mind! Please keep reading for the secret sauce about caffeine use in caffeube cellulite creams.
It was tough to narrow down to just 5 brands, but it had to be done. Each and every one is a contender and worthy of your consideration.
So, let’s get to it! Cellulite creams that work! And the WINNERS ARE!
– Brazilian Bum Bum Cream
– Body Merry Cellulite Defense Gel-Cream,
– Slim Extreme 4D Slimming and Firming Serum
– Caudalie Contouring Concentrate
– ReduxCell Paris Anti-Cellulite Gel.
I made a chart with all the features and benefits of these cellulite creams which is located at the end of this blog...this will make it easy for you to compare.
Brazilian Bum Bum Cream
This is a caffeine cellulite cream. However it was the delicious name and cute packaging was what first caught my eye for for this cellulite cream competition. But the Bum Bum Cream is more than just a pretty jar. With a generous 8.1 oz. of product for only $45 on Sephora, I believe it is only a matter of time before this caffeine cellulite cream delivers what you have been looking for: soft, smooth, cellulite fee legs and arms and butt. You might even acquire a cute little Brazilian bum bum while you are at it!
How so you ask?
First and foremost? Guarana.
Guarana is a native Amazonian plant naturally containing the most potent form of caffeine on the planet. And caffeine is a key ingredient for cellulite removal. When topically applied, Caffeine behaves as a diuretic and releases a build-up of excess water. Result? Cellulite, aka orange-peel skin, aka skin dimples, aka cottage cheese, starts to look less noticeable.
But the benefits of a caffeine cellulite cream go much deeper. Like breaking down fats and preventing accumulation in fat cells.
A recent study conducted by Anna Herman, PHD, in Warsaw, Poland, at the Academy of Cosmetics and Health Care, set out to determine the impact of caffeine in cellulite creams and other cosmetics reported the following - pay particular attention to #3 and #4.
- Caffeine penetrates the skin barrier.
- Caffeine contained in cosmetics increases the micro-circulation of blood in the skin
- Caffeine is used in anti-cellulite products because it prevents excessive accumulation of fat in cells.
- Caffeine stimulates the breakdown of fats through prevention of the phosphodiesterase activity. IN human language? Caffeine stimulates the breakdown of fats and or caffeine encourages the body to burn fat.
But caffeine is not the only ingredient I like in the Brazilian Bum Bum Cream!
Guarana is blended with a rich cupuaçu butter (like cocoa and shea but creamier and more moisturizing), acai (a known anti-oxidant), and coconut oil to create a cellulite cream to smooth and soften the feel of the skin while depositing a gentle hint of Brazilian glow.
And my skin? I loved the way it left my skin feeling soft and smooth and I noticed an improvement in skin texture after using the product for a week.
My thoughts? It is hard to believe that something that looks so cute, smells so good – I would describe the scent as a “summer beach party in a jar” (yes, THAT good!) and leaves a slight shimmer when you massage it into your skin, is such a powerhouse cellulite cream for cellulite removal!
I recommend you give Brazillian Bum Bum for a month religiously and tell me about your results!
Body Merry Cellulite Defense Gel-Cream
So why did I choose Body Merry? The ingredients! Just the ingredients alone should give you confidence to try the product.
This textured combo of a gel and a cream is packed with caffeine (we know how AWESOME caffeine cellulite creams work to target fat in fat cells) organic cayenne pepper – which really heats things up a bit and encourages circulation, retinol (known to encourage collagen and new skin) and 3 kinds of seaweed – known for detoxification and the ability to tighten and firm skim.
But wait, there is more! The recipe for Body Merry Cellulite Cream is filled with an earth based pharmacopoeia of goodness! Think organic aloe, organic sunflower oil, organic jojoba, lavender, kelp, organic caledula, organic horsetail, frankincense, organic dandelion and even a bit of catnip for good measure!
And when you combine retinoic acid with caffeine plus the rest of the real world ingredients? BANG! Smooth, tight dimple free skin should be around the corner.
When you open the package, you will immediately get a hint of refreshing peppermint, but when you rub some of this amazing gel into your skin get ready for a big chill! The cooling sensation goes away after about 20 minutes, but it’s one of the reasons that this wonderful product can also be used to soothe sore muscles. I love to walk outside (it’s my favorite form of exercise!) and I used the Body Merry Gel-Cream after a particularly long trek – and it kept my skin feeling soft and my soreness simply vanished!
Find the cellulite cream on Body Mary's website for $22.99 as of the time of this writing.
And my skin? It felt firm, tight and yet smooth as the same time.
Slim Extreme 4D Slimming and Firming Serum
Here you have an affordable cream for cellulite that works. I have been using Eveline cellulite creams since 2007, as this was one of my go to creams when I had cellulite. (before Triple K Collagen)
First about Eveline. I love this company. They deliver solid corrective beauty treatments at affordable prices. The company originated in Poland and is fortunate to have eastern European cosmetic chemists at their fingertips to formulate cutting edge products. Their cellulite creams are an example of their handy work.
This new serum from Eveline Cosmetics has a strong firming and anti-cellulite action, but what I really loved was the deep hydration that came from using the product during my workouts.
The manufacturer recommends applying the reasonably-priced $11.99 cream and adding a belly wrap or waist trimmer, so that’s how I tried it! Wow, I was sweating like crazy (in a good way!) after only a few minutes of working out. I saw some visible results after only a few uses, and really enjoyed the fresh, clean scent which wasn’t overpowering at all.
My thoughts? For $11.99, you can’t go wrong.
There are many places to purchase Eveline Anti-Cellulite Creams such as Eveline’s own website, Amazon and Derm Store. Prices range from $11.99 up to $15. Just for the price, grab this product.
Caudalie Vinosculpt Contouring
I love Caudalie products. My current Claudalie find is the Caudalie Beauty Elixr for my face and I simply adore it. So, being familiar with the brand, I had high hopes for what is billed as a “dry oil”.
To begin, Caudaile uses primarily purifying essential oils and relies upon deep massage to encourage lymphatic drainage and thereby swelling plus excess water and puffiness may be reduced. It's all about the massage, as massage increases circulation. Think deep tissue massage and knead deep, to ensure the oil gets into the skin. And with that, cellulite looks less apparent.
How often should you use? At least once per week. Expect results in approximately 30 days.
My thoughts? As much as I love the ingredient deck, the acroamatic experience and saw some improvement in the texture of my skin, I wasn’t thrilled with the experience of the oil. It was much thinner and oilier than I expected.
What I did like was the fact that it’s completely preservative-free, vegan, and 99% natural. Plus the encouraging of lymphatic drainage is always a win win situation. Ask any naturopath, plastic surgeon or aesthetician.
At the time of writing this article, The Contouring Concentrate about 2.5 oz. for 23 Euros on their website, so use wisely.
ReduxCell Paris Body Slimming Caffein Gel
Reduxcell Fat Burning Cream for Belly - Anti Cellulite Firming Cream is next
This anti-cellulite body slimming caffeine gel is an all-natural, vegan, cruelty free anti-cellulite cream. It has no parabens and made in the USA. ReduxCell contains caffeine (yeah to caffeine) and all the caffeine benefits for cellulite removal. Other key ingredients include niacin which bumps up blood circulation and Hyaluronic ACID to work plump up the skin to tighten and firm for a smooth, youthful appearance.
My thoughts?
While I can’t say that I saw quite the results promised from my trial (I inch in 1 hour), I was pretty impressed with the improvement in my skin’s appearance from using this $24.90 anti-cellulite caffeine gel The additional benefit of use for lymphatic massage also appealed to me.
Although it did leave my skin looking like I had a sunburn and tender to the touch for about 30 minutes, I powered through and noticed a difference within the week. The key to success - massage, massage, massage the gel in.
That’s a wrap!
I have whittled through a HUGE list of anti-cellulite creams.
I made this handy dandy chart as a reference to compare the products based on price, ingredients and benefits.
Now it is up to you. Remember, every body is different and will respond differently to all of these cellulite gel or collagen creams that work. Results will vary for each and every person.
In order to get results you must use the product and follow the instructions as indicated.
Now, if you want to by pass the cream, and are looking for a natural way to get rid of cellulite, do try a taking a collagen supplement orally. Think, collagen drink, collagen elixir, or collagen powder turned into a drink
In one double blind, randomized placebo controlled study, as reported in the Journal of Nutrients, oral supplementation of collagen improves skin elasticity, hydration, smoothness and density. And when all these things happen, cellulite looks less apparent and much smoother.
Of course, the collagen supplement I recommend is Triple K Collagen, your #1 Beauty Collagen Powder and Supplement, which just so happens to be the best supplement for sagging skin.
You can check Triple K Collagen out here.....
Till Next Time
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